Proceeds from the VOICES Book Nook support the work of VOICES. The Book Nook offers more than 65,000 gently used items including books ranging from first editions to recent romance novels, CDs, vinyl records, magazines, puzzles and more. Most are 75 percent less than their original price.
The VOICES Book Nook depends on the community’s generosity for its inventory and its workforce. Help in one of the following ways:
Donate Items
All items must be clean and in good condition. We appreciate donations of good items for resale but disposing of items that cannot be sold is costly.
For this reason, the Book Nook DOES NOT ACCEPT:
- cassettes
- VHS tapes
- encyclopedias
- former library books
- non-fiction more than 15 years old (except history and religion)
- textbooks more than five years old
Mark your calendars for the Spring 2023
Half-Price Book Sale
March 30-April 8
Three times a year, the VOICES Book Nook hosts Half-Price Book Sales when the already low prices are reduced even more.
You won’t want to miss any of these incredible sales. You are doing good while getting a great deal!
When dropping off items, please make sure you adhere to the guidelines above.
If dropping off one to four boxes of items, a supervisor will go through the items with you, returning any items that do not meet guidelines.
If donating more than four boxes, please call the Book Nook at 815-821-2665 to discuss the donation items and schedule a delivery time. A supervisor will review the donation with you at delivery.
(inside the Lincoln Mall)
1265 W. Galena Ave., Freeport
Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Saturday
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday